Hey, you can have that beauty makeover too! If you recently went through some life changes or just suddenly felt the urge for a personal s...

7 Beauty Makeover Tricks When You’re On Budget

By 8:05:00 PM

Hey, you can have that beauty makeover too! If you recently went through some life changes or just suddenly felt the urge for a personal style and looks upgrade, then go for it.  Whether heading for a new career shift, celebrating a personal milestone, or simply stressed out with that old hairstyle for years now, a sudden boost of self- confidence from a beauty makeover is all you may need to move over to that next phase of your life. You don't need to spend big bucks to get fab and look with all that glam! With some beauty makeover tricks here and there, go and get yourself a quick but total beauty makeover even when on budget.

Beauty makeover even when on budget
Photo courtesy via Pexels

1.   Tender Loving Care (TLC) for the skin.
Even without make-up, a perfect natural skin can be your best beauty advantage.  Spend some TLC moments for your skin and take steps to turn it flawless with just some additions to your daily home facial regimen for you to come out rejuvenated. 

First, you may consider exfoliating to get rid of old, dull skin cells for a brighter and clearer complexion.  Peeling masks and microdermabrasion products available in the market are easily at hand to help eliminate skin pigmentation from sun exposure for a more even-toned skin.  You may also want to add in your list anti-aging products to help improve skin elasticity and texture.  For skin firming and lifting creams, generous skin massage during application serves as key to enhance absorption as facial lines are softened and blood circulation is increased. When shopping for these products, remember to go for labels that come with natural beauty ingredients which always work best with the skin such as citric acid and fruit extracts.

2.   Lighten up behind that smile.
Whiter teeth can make you younger-and fresher-looking instantly. This one’s absolutely easy by checking out your favorite tooth paste brand with a built-in whitening formula.   Within just weeks, you’re ready to flash a brighter smile of yours to everyone!
3.   Get a hair fix.                  
The hair is every woman’s crowning glory.  So if you’re having a bad hair day during most days, it’s time to get your hair fix!  Go out on your search for the next new hairstyle of yours from everywhere -- beauty magazines, style websites, and even TV shows. When you finally find the right hairstyle, bring this to your stylist and set forth a hair rebirth of yours.  

While long hair is believed by many to give a youthful look, short and shoulder-length hair can actually highlight your facial features, thus making you younger-looking.  Layering your hair can also help accentuate your facial shape and provide more body to an otherwise plain hair. When you’re up to some hair coloring, it’s best to keep it within two tones of your hair’s natural shade regardless of the color intensity. This allows you minimal maintenance later on when your hair outgrows to its natural color.  Also, warmer colors such as caramel and honey can be more dramatic than light brown and blonde.

4.   Pop those eyes and brows.
Look more youthful with brighter eyes.  Make your eyes pop instantly with a lash curler, then mascara, and finish off with a lash comb to smoothen out your top lashes.  Eyebrow shaping can also do a lot of wonders to the eye area by making it seem more open and lifted for a younger and more polished look.  But simple maintenance of the brows just requires trimming the brows below and above from hair strays. Lastly, add fullness and depth to those thin brows with any of your favorite eyebrow pencil, gel or extender.

5.   Refresh your makeup.
Not all women like wearing makeup on a daily basis.  Don’t despair if you’re one among this type since the old saying that “less is more” even applies to the use of make-up.  Little efforts, just like the use of a tinted moisturizer and lipstick, can make a big impact on your whole look and even take years off from your face unlike when resorting to layers of makeup.  Discuss with makeup consultants at department stores what look you prefer to get a good pick on what makeup products to use. If you want that perfect pout, do away with expensive lip injections and resort instead to the latest beauty rage-- temporary lip plumping products. Available commercially, these products provide a short-term increased blood flow to the lips for a fuller pout.

6.   Do a wardrobe update.
If you’re heading for a lifestyle change or your wardrobe is simply outdated, it’s time to move on to a new set of clothes!  Think about what are your major activities and look up for outfit solutions that will answer your clothing requirements. Consider likewise your personal style in the upgrading process so you can shop more easily for the clothes you want when you go shopping. Having a style model or inspiration can help you develop and arrive at that personal style you want to achieve and look great with. But not only the clothes, don’t forget shopping for the right shoes, too, that will blend with your new look.

7.   Bling, bling, bling with accessories.
When you’re on stricter budget, consider styling up with accessories.  Even just as tiny pieces, accessories can help make or break your look so take time to choose for items that can be worn on casual, business, and formal outings.  Select from a wide range of jewelry, bags and purses, and belts to add more dash of life to your overall appearance.   

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