Gosh, you suddenly realized you're short of cash.   The decades-old print machine at your workshop broke down and requires immediate ...

6 Reasons Why Choose a Personal Loan for Quick Business Cash

By 7:48:00 PM

Gosh, you suddenly realized you're short of cash.   The decades-old print machine at your workshop broke down and requires immediate replacement.  Or, you got a business milestone forthcoming worthy of some grand celebration. Worst, you bumped into an emergency at home. 

These familiar scenes may happen at some point to everyone. Admit it, we all have our share of downtime moments, right? And when that happens, it feels like you just want to knock your entire head off for some fast resolve.  

Personal loan as one viable option for cash problems
Photo courtesy of luxstorm via Pixabay
A possible quick, turn-to solution is the Personal Loan which you could access upon application from banks.  Not only for salaried employees, what's best about it is that several banks make personal loans available also to self-employed individuals like entrepreneurs and private professional practitioners, so long as you can show proof of your repayment capability.  Find out more about a personal loan features and why it could be your best bet to stir out from a temporary money crunch you absolutely don't want to get trapped with.  

1. Multi-purpose  

As its name implies, a personal loan is allowed for various purposes to supplement the borrower's funding needs. These could range from personal necessities or indulgences, business requirements, and to even debt consolidation when you're bugged with several credit accounts. That's how friendly it is! 

2. Non-collateral   

A personal loan does not require any asset from the borrower to serve as loan collateral or guarantee.  It may apply certain fees and charges at minimal amount though, depending on the bank, such as processing fees, late payment charges, documentary stamps, etc.   

3. Loan amount options  

Loanable amounts vary among banks but the common range falls from as little as Php 30K to a hefty 2M, which is made payable in fixed, equal monthly installments. 

4. Low interest rates

Banks charge low monthly add-on interest rates for personal loans at a little more than 1%.  That translates to affordable monthly cash pay-outs for you. 

5. Flexible terms of payment 

The borrower can choose from short- to medium-term repayment schedules commonly set at 12, 18, 24 to 36 months. 

6. Fast and easy

Applying for a personal loan is easy nowadays with available online facilities of some banks.  Once you are able to comply with all documentary requirements, your loan approval could come in just 1-2 weeks. 

When availing of a personal loan, check around at banks first before locking yourself in with a loan contract.  Compare rates and loan packages, then decide which one best suits your financial need. 

On the same note, when you're faced with life's urgent and pressing challenges such as sudden liquidity bottlenecks, the first step to bailing out is knowing and generating your solution options to turn to.  As what optimists say, for every problem there's always a solution! 

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